Is One Month Enough to Know?
It’s here – the end of February. February is the window of time I set for myself to try my four best options. I’m surprised and discouraged that I still don’t have a clear, single path forward. Perhaps I wouldn’t be enthused with life deciding for me, either. Part of the deal was that if all of these completely failed, or I found out I disliked all of them, I would then…
Curious or Confused?
It’s time I start telling this tale, despite not knowing the ending. This pursuit didn’t start overnight, but it did kick into gear with a trip to the bookstore. I knew books would have the answers I needed…
What Does Your ‘Ambition Album’ Say to You?
Until a few months ago, I had “ambition” wrong. I placed it over with things like greed, envy, and selfishness. I still see at least some overlap with these four. What’s changed is my perspective on the possible drive behind it - if good or bad. I’ve learned “good ambition”, and it’s a game changer.