Are You in Control?

There’s really no such thing as ‘When I have time.’ We must find time. We must clear out some of our time for the things we want most. I think we already know this. So either we don’t actually really want that thing or we haven’t put in the energy to find or make some available time.

Maybe you’re waiting for inspiration or motivation to strike — I’ve learned this isn’t really a thing, Maybe you’re saying to yourself right now something like, “But my schedule really is that full. I don’t even have time to think about where in my life I have time.” This is incredibly improbable. We physically and mentally can’t go-go-go literally all day. You almost certainly have times throughout the day with less expenditure. Trouble is, you’re relaxing for good reason - you need it. But I bet that you could spend some of it deciding what things are most important or less so. Doing so may even be exciting, not work. So if your daily energy is really 100% claimed, use a piece of your rest time to assess if everything getting your energy actually deserves it. Then look at those things you have waiting in line - “If I had more time.” - see if any of them can take the place of the ones you found as ‘not deserving.’ If nothing fell off your daily list, then instead go by priority. Maybe a thing or two is deserving of your time and energy, but are lower priority than your dream.

Progressing toward our dreams is really the whole point, isn’t it? So it’s important we assess. Or more accurately, it’s important we pay attention to how we’re spending our time. Not every hour can be spent on our dreams because remember, we have to rest. We also have things to do like eat, go to work…you know this list. But those and sleep aren’t taking all 24 hours. We have some time that we choose how to spend; that’s the time I’m talking about. And bear in mind, that I fail at this, on average, more than I succeed. I don’t say that to reinforce this wrong perspective most have that life is some competition; I say it in hopes of comfort or relating. Because I think the truth is the happiness, joy, fulfillment, and pride we get from the hours we did choose to spend toward our dreams.


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